Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Julie had an aura of good karma around her. She could smile at a stranger and they would impulsively return the favor. Her sense of adventure was unique, as was her style.

Sometimes you have an instant connection with a person. As if you were meant to spend time together during our short time on Earth. The time between "hello" and whispering your deepest darkest secrets as you gently glide into sleep as roommates becomes fuzzy. You feel that you have known this person for all eternity and yet, you just met.

I've felt that connection before, but only a few times. Once with Julie, again with Jenny, later when I met my husband and, most recently, with my friend Lauren. It is this type of deep spiritual connection with others that mystifies me and keeps me yearning for more time in this lifetime. As Jenny said recently, "If I were to die tomorrow, I would be unafraid of death itself. It is those I love who I would worry about. I fear they would miss me too much."

Well put, Jenny. I would miss you terribly, as I miss Julie. But, it is better to have loved and lost and if I could turn back the clock, I'd spend just as much time laughing, crying, empathizing, shouting, running, jumping, falling, and sliding through life with Julie.

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